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    iplanit can enable providers to collaborate more closely with inspectors, statutory organisations and funders. As integration of services becomes more important, iplanit offers interoperability options so that individual and provider data can be shared with commissioning bodies in real-time for performance oversight.

    How iplanit Supports Funders:

    Purchasers and commissioners can:

    Easily evidence provider value to commissioners.

    Automatically aggregate information from funded Support and Care Plans to inform strategic planning.

    Improve communication, transparency and understanding with those organisations they purchase services from.

    Easily capture trend data and outcome measures from Support Plans.

    Better understand where value added services are warranted and making a difference.

    Funders / Regulators

    Key Benefits

    For inspectorates, statutory commissions and auditors iplanit can:

    • Clearly reflect the impact of services on the lives of Service Users
    • Identify successes and best practice in achieving outcomes
    • Easily evidence quality of services provided
    • Help anticipate patterns and issues in advance
    • Save time and effort in reviewing quality data with providers
    • Provide a level of transparency and end client validation of the inspection process

    What Care and Support Workers Say About iplanit

    • iplanit feels like it has been developed by people who understand the care system, and the difference in between supported living, residential, mental health, because that’s what’s so important, and that’s what makes iplanit stand out.

      Sarah Dawson
      Clinical Director, 1st Enable
    • “iplanit is an exciting project made possible through the enthusiasm and hard work of our dedicated staff team. We are able to spend less time on paperwork and more meaningful time with the people we support leading to better outcomes.”

      Hadassa Kessler
      Director of Operations, Kisharon
    • “Cheshire Ireland chose iplanit because it offered us a holistic approach to care planning and delivery that reflects our person-centred values.”

      National Quality Lead
      Cheshire Ireland

    Book a Demo

    See our Multi-Service Provider Software in action, book a demo today!