Care And Support Workers
iplanit has been developed in co-production with Social Care providers, with functionality and design informed by those using the system every day in the real world. Because of this, iplanit is intuitive and easy-to-use for frontline staff.
How iplanit Supports Care Workers
From initial login, they have access to the records of only those people that they support. Any alerts or notifications relating to the people they support are immediately apparent, and a Recent Activity dashboard provides a social media-like timeline of all recent activity that they may need to be aware of.
Here are some of the ways in which iplanit assists support workers daily:
- Access from anywhere, people’s person-centred plans, goals/outcomes and more
- Daily support tasks reminders
- Ability to complete daily notes (including speech-to-text) and monitoring
- Store and access/retrieve with ease all documentation in relation to the people you support such as doctor’s letters, certificates, photo’s, video, etc.
- Visibility of what has happened in previous shifts for ease of handover
- Visual alerts on various things such as when care plan reviews are due, goals/outcomes tracking, incidents to be followed up on etc.
- Reports / Information at your fingertips for preparation for reviews/meetings etc.
Key Benefits
- iplanit is built with a web responsive layout, which means that it “knows” what type of device is being used and optimises the display accordingly, giving it the look and “feel” of an app when used on a mobile device without any loss of important information.
- Being easy to navigate to the most relevant information about a person, and speech-to-text notetaking, iplanit allows care and support workers more time to focus on supporting people to achieve life’s potential.
- With little change to a Care or Support Worker’s working routine, iplanit highlights the impact that they have on people’s lives.
Modules for Care and Support Workers
Care and support workers have touch-of-a-button access to:
Care and Support Plans
Risk Management
Alert and Dashboards (specific to their role and the people they support)
Media and Document Management
Internal Messaging
Any specific Optional Modules selected
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